We value the opinion of our patients so The Border Practice set up a Patient Reference Group over 4 years ago. This group is split into two sections. One is a group of 8 patients who meet regularly face-to-face with the Surgery to discuss our services, how we are doing and what we can do to make our service better. We also discuss the services within the wider NHS in our area. The other group is a ‘Virtual group’ who we contact via email for their views.
All of our patients are very welcome to give feedback via these groups. Our core, face-to-face group is currently full and we are not accepting new members but would be happy to put your name on the waiting list if you wish to join. We are, of course, always happy to add names to our email survey list. Just ask at reception to sign up and you will soon be contacted.
We look forward to hearing your thoughts. Click here to access our latest survey.
The link below will take you to our third PPG DES Group Report from 13/14.